The Crusader Class Star Frigate

The Crusader Class Star Frigate in Nullspace accompanied by three Thresher class Survey Craft


Length: 150 meters
Width: 60 meters
Max Velocity: 25km/s
Power Core: Black Hole Drive

The Crusader Class Star Frigate is the Workhorse of the OMEGA Federation, transporting goods and protecting convoy lines for over 30 years. Although this venerable class of frigates is due for a replacement, recent wars with the Canadia Federation have left R&D with different matters to attend to, leaving this outdated starship still in service, often being sent to the front lines.

Weapon Systems

The Crusader has very little in the way in weaponry, relying on speed and armor to get the job done. What it does pack, however, is is quite potent. On the sides, disguised as manuvering engines, are two Ion Cannons, designed to cut through hulls of ships. On the underside, it packs another pair of Ion Cannons, and in the center, there are two turrets, intended for long-range defense. On the port and starboard sides of the bow, there are two Ion projectors, for anti-Capital use. However, use of the projectors will leave the Crusader without shields, power drained for firing.

Propulsion Systems

The Crusader is known throughout the entire Federation for it's blazing speed, often outpacing newer corvettes and scout ships, and even, to some degree, the Thresher class survey craft. The key to this speed is the massive bank of engines in the back, each outputting massive amounts of energy, giving the Crusader it's impressive acceleration. All of this is drawn from a Black Hole housed in containment. Waste and refuse are dumped into the black hole, which then outputs x rays and energy, which is captured and sent down to the engine block. This also means that the Crusader does not require much fuel, instead using food waste, human byproduct, and radioactive slag, making the Crusader energy efficient and a very useful trash grinder. If the Black hole loses containment, the Crusader is doomed. However, this does not happen often.